10 Creative Ideas to Maximise Space in Your Terrace House Design

Terrace houses are becoming more popular in New Zealand cities because they’re wonderfully compact and very stylish. Terrace houses are properties that share walls with adjoining neighbours, which saves space, act as a fire and noise barrier between dwellings, making them ideal for city living.

We at BCG GROUP recognise the many benefits of terrace housing, and we’re excited to keep building more and more amazing homes for Kiwis looking for contemporary living spaces.

Terrace homes are a bit smaller than your average house, so you might need to figure out how to make the most out of your new space at first. But don’t worry; there are lots of things you can do to make the most of your smaller terrace home.

10 Innovative Ways To Make Good Use Of Your Terrace House Space

Terrace homes are cost-effective, convenient and are a perfect choice for home buyers. You can use these creative tips to easily maximise the space in your new home:

  1. Go Vertical. If you’re short on space, make use of the vertical space in your home. You can do this by installing shelves, cabinets and other storage solutions on your walls. Highlighting your room’s vertical qualities makes it feel more spacious and roomier. You don’t have to just use practical things like storage solutions. Why not use gorgeous art or decor on your walls?
  1. Get Creative With Furniture. There are plenty of creative furniture options available that can help you save space. These include foldout tables, Murphy beds and nesting tables. You don’t always need massive furniture or appliances to be happy; look for top-notch space-saving furniture.
  2. Use Multifunctional Furniture. Another way to smartly save space is to use furniture that serves multiple purposes. For example, look for coffee tables that double as storage units or end tables that also have drawers or compartments. These extra bits of storage can be very useful! Built-in storage solutions can be installed all over the place, including under stairs.
  1. Get Rid Of Clutter. Clutter can make a space feel smaller. So, it’s important to declutter on a regular basis. Get rid of any possessions that you don’t use or need and store the rest in a designated space. It’s common to accumulate clutter over the years, and sometimes it’s hard to realise when you don’t need something anymore. Routinely look at your items and ask yourself if you really need OR is it time to get rid of them.
  1. Use Light Colours. Light colours can help to make a small space feel larger, so opt for light-coloured walls, furniture and flooring. White walls can open up a space and make it feel heaps bigger than it is.
  2. Add Decorative Mirrors. Creatively placed mirrors can make a small space feel larger by reflecting light thus creating the illusion of more space. Consider using mirrors as creative decor around your home.
  3. Open Up The Space. If possible, try to open up the space in your home by creating a more open floor plan. This will help make the area feel larger and more airy. Conversely, too many walls can create small areas that make you feel confined. Staying away from too many walls during the design process can help you avoid this issue.
  4. Use Natural Light. Natural light can also help to make a small space feel larger, so make sure to let in as much light as possible. Think about large stylish windows or skylights when your new home is being designed. Once your home is built, don’t forget about great window coverings! Curtains and blinds are an amazing way to control your light.
  1. Add Plants. Who doesn’t love some natural greenery? Plants can add a wonderful touch of life to any space, no matter how big or small. They can also improve air quality. If you are not good at tending to plants there are some great artificial plants. But, as they say, real is best.
  2. Have Fun With It! There aren’t any hard and fast rules when maximising space in a small home. Get creative and have fun with what you’re doing. You’ll be surprised at how much space you can actually create – regardless of the size of your home.

Think about discussing space-maximising design options when your home is being designed. At BCG GROUP, we encourage you to speak your mind during the design process. We’ll work hard to use our experience and knowledge to adapt your ideas into an amazing reality.

Once your incredible new home is finished, you can use the easy tips in this article to make your space even more gorgeous.

Experience The Very Best With BCG GROUP

We at BCG GROUP value professionalism, efficiency and, of course, amazing results! Our process is easy to understand. We’ll have an initial meeting, discuss your wishes, work on a fantastic design and then begin planning the actual construction process. Before you know it, your magnificent terrace house will be complete.

If you’re eager to start, we invite you to call us on T. 09 828 6699, email us at [email protected] or visit our site to reach out to our team.

Experience quality and outstanding design with BCG GROUP.


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