Our Commitment to Health and Safety

At BCG Construction the safety and health of our staff and all people under our care is of paramount importance and plays a vital role in our day-to-day operations. Central to our safety-vision is good advice + accountability for which we partner with Nailed lt Safety Solutions, an independent Health and Safety Consultancy for support and auditing.

Our Health and Safety Vision

Every person home safe and healthy every day.


Ensure that we supply you with the right equipment and training to undertake your task. Have processes in place to systematically identify and manage all hazards in our workplace

Give you a chance to have your say by providing Health and Safety Representatives or regular company meetings.

Learn from our near misses. We are committed to continuously improving our processes and our company.

Get stuff done. lf you tell us about it, we'll make sure it gets actioned in the most appropriate manner.

Staff Commitment

Commit to making this a better, safer workplace. Look out for yourself and your workmates.

Speak up if you see someone doing something unsafe.

Follow all reasonable instructions given by your supervisor.

Tell someone if you don't believe you can complete the task you've been assigned safely BEFORE you start.

Not use unsafe equipment including gear that's broken to a point which it's unsafe to use.

Report any accidents and especially near misses.


You are our greatest asset and your safety is our highest priority. We pledge to take all practicable steps to ensure that you get home healthy and safe, every day.